Nina Buchmann
Graduate Student Research Funding | 2019 - 2020 Academic Year
The Economics of Domestic Violence - Evidence from Bangladesh
Domestic violence decreases with income in Bangladesh; understanding why is key to identifying interventions. Buchmann proposes a combination of surveys and lab-in-the-field experiments to investigate the motives for domestic violence. First, she runs a lab-in-the-field experiment in which a man can express his dissatisfaction with an anonymous woman using an annoying sound. This will allow her to study whether men use punishment to deter or respond to certain wife behaviors and whether violence is driven by financial or reputation concerns. Second, she uses vignettes about every-day situations to study the external relevance of the experiment for domestic violence.
Nina Buchmann, Department of Economics
Nina Buchmann is a PhD student in economics at Stanford University. Her areas of interest include development economics and behavioral economics and she is particularly interested in issues related to gender, sexual assault and domestic violence. Prior to coming to Stanford, Buchmann worked as a research associate at JPAL/the Duke Development Lab and analyzed the impact of a large randomized control trial aiming to reduce child marriage and increase female empowerment in Bangladesh. She also worked as a consultant at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and the European Central Bank researching and evaluating the relationship between finance and development. Buchmann holds a BA in economics from Harvard University and an MA in development economics from Yale University.
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