Past Recipients of Junior Faculty Research Funding
In spring quarter 2022, Global Development Research Funding replaced the Junior Faculty Research Funding window.
2021 - 2022 Academic Year
Alison Hoyt, Department of Earth System Science
Mapping Peat Carbon to Inform Climate-friendly Rural Development in Colombia
Claudia Allende Santa Cruz, Graduate School of Business
Using Technology to Overcome Information Frictions, Expand Access, and Increase Adherence to Pharmaceutical Drugs
2020 - 2021 Academic Year
Pascal Geldsetzer, School of Medicine
Community Health Workers to Achieve Uptake of Low-Sodium Salt: A Proof of Concept Trial in Rural Bangladesh
Saad Gulzar, Department of Political Science
Sharing Supportive Social Norms for Female Voting in Pakistan
Irene Lo, Department of Management Science and Engineering
Improving Livelihoods of the Global Poor through Information-Sharing Platforms
Prashant Loyalka, Graduate School of Education
Mitigating the Impacts of Noise Pollution, Air Pollution, and Extreme Temperature on the Educational Outcomes of Low-Income Students in Developing Countries
Soledad Prillaman, Department of Political Science
Gendered Networks: How Political Information Travels Through Clustered Women's Groups
William Tarpeh, Department of Chemical Engineering
Reimagining Excreta as a Resource: Developing and Evaluating Techniques to Valorize Urine and Accelerate Sustainable Sanitation Access
Chenzi Xu, Graduate School of Business
The Impact of Multinational Enterprises on Labor Markets in Brazil
2019 - 2020 Academic Year
Arun Chandrasekhar, Department of Economics
Affirmative Action, Attitudes and Social Networks: Evidence from Caste-Based Reservation in India
Saad Gulzar, Department of Political Science
The Rise of Decentralization in Consolidating Peace: Evidence from Nepal
Erin Mordecai, Department of Biology
Exploring Feedbacks Between Land Use, Behavior, and Dengue to Improve and Promote Sustainable Development and Health
Meredith Startz, Department of Economics
Middlemen: The Structure of Chains of Intermediation
William Tarpeh, Department of Chemical Engineering
Wastewater Mining: Detecting SARS-CoV-2 and Extracting Marketable Disinfectant from Fecal Sludge in Dakar, Senegal
2018 - 2019 Academic Year
Stephen Anderson, Graduate School of Business
- Evaluating the Impact of the Lean Start-up Method for Entrepreneurs in Kenya and Uganda
- Modernizing Small-Scale Retailers in Emerging Markets: Contrasting Customer-Facing Modernization to Product-Facing Modernization
Arun Chandrasekhar, Department of Economics
Affirmative Action, Attitudes and Social Networks: Evidence from Caste-Based Reservation in India
Saad Gulzar, Department of Political Science
- Responsive Linkages Between Voters and Politicians in Pakistan - Continuing Data Collection and Extension to Local Government
- Social Spillovers and Female Political Participation in Pakistan
Melanie Morten, Department of Economics
-The Impact of Moral Hazard and Network-Based Hiring on Firm Performance
-Tracking Study for Dar es Salaam Bus Rapid Transit Project
Aruna Ranganathan, Graduate School of Business
Consumer Tastes, Market Intermediaries and the Livelihoods of Artisans in India
Jennifer Pan, Department of Communication
- Digital Technology and Ethnic Violence in Myanmar
- Consumer Tastes, Market Intermediaries and the Livelihoods of Artisans in India
William Tarpeh, Department of Chemical Engineering
Engineering Agricultural Resilience After Natural Disasters: Deployable Fertilizer Production to Rehabilitate Arable Land
Johan Ugander, Department of Management Science and Engineering
The Rich Value of Poverty Data