2023–2024 Recipients of Graduate Student Research Funding
Graduate student research funding supports faculty-supervised doctoral student research activities, particularly field-based work on global poverty and economic development in middle- and low-income countries.
2023–2024 Academic Year
Ishita Ahmed, Department of Developmental and Psychological Sciences (DAPS) - SHIPS
Leave No Child Behind: Validating Novel Executive Function Measures Representing Children’s Experiences in Rural Bangladesh

Jonathan Altamirano, School of Medicine - Epidemiology and Population Health
Mental Health, Gender-based Violence, and HIV Medication Adherence among AGYW in Western Kenya: A Longitudinal Cohort Study
Sumhith Aradhyula, Department of Economics
Estimating Preferences Over Links to Communities in Networks
Adrian Blattner, Department of Economics
The Costs and Benefits of Depolarization Interventions: Evidence from Brazil [Autumn Quarter]
Adrian Blattner, Department of Economics
Contact on the Job - An Experiment on Labor Market Discrimination in Brazil [Winter Quarter]

Alvaro Calderon, Department of Economics
Can Market Access lead to Conflict and the Disruption of Property Rights? Evidence from Railroads Construction in 19th Century Peru
Alicia Chen, Department of Political Science
The Speed-Cost Trade-Off in Infrastructure Development

Chris Dann, Department of Political Science
Compliance and Development: Evidence from Rwanda's Umuganda
Camille DeJarnett, Department of Political Science
Estimating the Impact of Language Policy Choice on Civic Participation in Post-colonial Sub-Saharan Africa
Joao Francisco Pugliese, Department of Economics
Politicians' Communication and Accountability
Melissa Franco, Department of Health Policy
A Cancer Modeling Framework with Healthcare System Constraints in Low-to-middle Income Countries

Michelle Ha, Department of Modern Thought and Literature
Henequén Plant/Fiber Classification & Decortication in the Yucatán Peninsula
Seyedeh Zahra Hejrati, Department of Management Science & Engineering
Refugee Entrepreneurs Network Disruption & Opportunity Recognition: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment in Uganda
Kolawole Heyward-Rotimi, Department of Modern Thought and Literature
The Development of Smart Cities in Southwestern Nigeria
Florencia Hnilo, Department of Economics
RCTs and Belief Distortion (previously called 'Breaking Ties?')
Swan Htut, Department of Sociology
Chin Refugees in Mizoram

Jlateh Jappah, Department of Health Policy
Do Non-cash Incentives Increase Blood Donation: Evidence from Sierra Leone, West Africa
Naiyu Jiang, Department of Political Science
Market-dominant Minority as Middleman: How Chinese investment influences ethnic relations in Malaysia

Mridul Joshi, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Interdisciplinary Policy Studies in Education (SHIPS)
Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Digital Empowerment Curriculum for College Students in India
Anna Kogler, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Field Testing and Business Models for Integrating Urine Valorization into Sustainable Sanitation and Agricultural Systems
Akhila Kovvuri, Department of Economics
Interdependence in Female Labor Supply: Role of Numbers and Composition
Karventha Kuppusamy, Department of History
Agrarian Developmentalism and Ecological Crisis in South India: Writing Situated Histories of the Green Revolution
Douglas Leonard, Department of Political Science
The Political Economy of the Conservation of Tropical Rainforests
Eva Lestant, Department of Economics
Selling (Together): Fostering Economies of Scale through Retail Cooperatives
Cesar Lopez, Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources (E-IPER)
Social Network Structure for Agricultural Development: Evidence from the Irrigation Sector in Bolivia
Tamar Matiashvili, Department of Economics
Does Diversity Matter? Evidence from First Female Physicians

Kaitlyn Mitchell, Department of Biology
Plastic Pollution and Human Health in the lower Senegal River Basin
Aadhityaa Mohanavelu, Doerr - Civil & Environmental Engineering
Developing a Consistent Water Equity Metric for Developing Countries
Oluchi Obinegbo, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Maximizing the Benefits of Energy Interventions in Sub-Saharan Africa
Quinn Parker, Oceans Department
Gendered Impacts of Global Change in Small-scale Fisheries: Comparisons in Equity and Wellbeing Across Southern Madagascar
Maggie Poulos, Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources (E-IPER)
Local Marine Conservation in Kenya and Tanzania: Community-based and Biocultural Approaches
Poornima Rajeshwar, Department of Anthropology
Lives and Livelihoods: An ethnographic study of dimensions of well-being

Vlasta Rasocha, Department of Economics
Contact at Work: Exposure to Political Opinions in the Brazilian Labor Market [Autumn Quarter]
Vlasta Rasocha, Department of Economics
Hidden Identities and Stereotype Persistence [Spring Quarter]
Matthew Ribar, Department of Political Science
Land Titles and Local Politics: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Cote d'Ivoire
Christian Robles-Baez, Department of History
The Making of an Improbable Global Market: Coffee 1808-1850
Emily Russell, Department of Political Science
Legacies of Forced Labor
Isabel Salovaara, Department of Anthropology
Government Jobs, Student Politics, and the Caste Census in Bihar, India
Sergio Sanchez, Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources (E-IPER)
Replicability of the Favorable Conditions of Lithium Extraction in the Atacama Region
Anirudh Sankar, Department of Economics
The Role of Mechanistic Explanations in Technology Adoption Across Contexts: Evidence from Uganda
Chen Shen, Department of Anthropology
Redemptive Power: Intersectional Energy Transitions in Rural China

Sahana Subramanyam, Department of Economics
Investigating Parental Beliefs and Norms in Childcare: A Field Study in India

Kylie Wadkowski, Department of Earth System Science
Evaluating Mangrove Restoration Projects in The Gambia