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Our Impact

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Research insights generated by the King Center’s multidisciplinary community of Stanford scholars help to provide a better understanding of critical issues, as well as create scalable solutions and inform policies and implementation efforts.

Transformative innovations

 Read examples of how the King Center has contributed to building the evidence base on global poverty alleviation challenges and solutions, and learn more about promising innovations and new results in the fight against global poverty.

Faculty members of the Human Trafficking Data Lab chatting in a Stanford hallway
Transformative innovations

Human trafficking in Brazil

The King Center's interdisciplinary initiative focused on human trafficking conducts critical research through a collaboration among academics, healthcare providers, and frontline trafficking experts and prosecutors, using promising innovations in modern data science. 

Learn about the implications of this innovative research

Impact at scale

Learn how our affiliates' work is having a broad impact in the world by informing policy, influencing decision makers, and jump-starting action.