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Predoctoral Research Fellow | 2022–2024
Amna Ahmed El Mustafa
Predoctoral Research Fellow | 2022–2024
King Center on Global Development
King Center on Global Development
Amna Ahmed El Mustafa was a Predoctoral Research Fellow at the King Center on Global Development. Her research interest is the applications of machine learning (ML) in solving different developmental issues in the global south from climate change, and poverty to health problems. El Mustafa earned her master’s in machine learning at the African Institute for Mathematical Science (AMMI) in Senegal, and her bachelor's in engineering in Khartoum University, Sudan. In her master’s thesis, El Mustafa investigated the fairness of ML models used to predict wealth measures from satellite data and whether they are biased toward urban areas. El Mustafa is also conducting research in modeling species distribution with ML and remote sensing.