Jason Gagnon
King Center on Global Development
Head of Unit and Senior Development Economist
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Jason Gagnon is a senior development economist and the current head of unit at the OECD Development Centre. At the helm of the Policy Dialogue on Migration and Development, he chairs and guides various working groups, with a focus on leveraging migration for development.
His recent work has contributed to unraveling the intricate relationship between migration and development in low- and middle-income nations, while concurrently tackling vital issues surrounding the future of work. Gagnon has authored comprehensive reports that delve into subjects such as informality, internal migration, urbanization, social cohesion, well-being, and development strategies.
Gagnon has worked at the OECD since 2007 and earned his PhD in economics from the Paris School of Economics.