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- Burke, M., Zahid, M., Diffenbaugh, N., & Hsiang, S. (2023). Quantifying Climate Change Loss and Damage Consistent with a Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases.
- Prillaman, S., & Moore, . C. (2023). Bureaucracy and Inclusion: State-led Recruitment and Women’s Employment in India.
- Bhavnani, R., Lee, A., & Prillaman, S. (2023). Coethnic Rivalry and Solidarity: The Political Economy of Politician-Bureaucrat Cooperation in India.
- Abramitzky, R., Baseler, T., & Sin, I. (2023). Persecution and Migrant Self-Selection: Evidence from the Collapse of the Communist Bloc.
- Ribar, M. (2023). Who Wants Property Rights? Conjoint Evidence from Senegal.
- Pan, J., Xu, X., & Xu, Y. (2023). Disguised Repression: Targeting Opponents with Non-Political Crimes to Undermine Dissent.
- Ashraf, N., Field, E., Voena, A., & Ziparo, . R. (2023). Gendered Spheres of Learning and Household Decision Making over Fertility.
- Dupas, P., Falezan, C., Jayachandran, S., & Walsh, M. (2023). Informing Mothers about the Benefits of Conversing with Infants: Experimental Evidence from Ghana.
- Jha, S., Shayo, M., & Weiss, C. (2023). Financial Market Exposure Increases Generalized Trust, Particularly Among the Politically Polarized.
- Bursztyn, L., Cappelen, . A., Tungodden, B., Voena, A., & Yanagizawa-Drott, D. (2023). How Are Gender Norms Perceived?.
- Jha, S., & Wilkinson, S. (2023). Revolutionary Contagion.
- Athey, S., Karlan, D., Palikot, E., & Yuan, Y. (2023). Smiles in Profiles: Improving Fairness and Efficiency Using Estimates of User Preferences in Online Marketplaces.
- Buchmann, N., Dupas, P., & Ziparo, R. (2023). The Good Wife? Reputation Dynamics and Financial Decision-Making Inside the Household.
- Coppola, A., Krishnamurthy, A., & Xu, C. (2023). Liquidity, Debt Denomination, and Currency Dominance.
- Offer-Westort, M., Rosenzweig, L., & Athey, S. (2023). Battling the Coronavirus Infodemic Among Social Media Users in Africa.
- Kremer, M., Luby, S., Maertens, R., Tan, B., & Więcek, W. (2023). Water Treatment And Child Mortality: A Meta-Analysis And Cost-effectiveness Analysis.
- Low, H., Meghir, C., Pistaferri, L., & Voena, A. (2022). Marriage, Labor Supply and the Dynamics of the Social Safety Net.
- Sharma, K. (2022). Tackling Sexual Harassment: Short and Long Run Experimental Evidence from India.
- Riaño, J. F. (2022). Bureaucratic Nepotism.
- Chandrasekhar, A., Duflo, E., Kremer, M., Pugliese, J., Robinson, J., & Schilbach, F. (2022). Blue Spoons: Sparking Communication About Appropriate Technology Use.