Shreya Deshmukh
Graduate Student Research Funding | 2017 - 2018, 2018 - 2019 Academic Years
Microscale Magnetic Levitation to Detect Drug Resistance in Malaria-infected Blood at the Point of Care in Resource-limited Settings
Malaria kills over 400,000 people annually in developing regions, largely pregnant women and children and, with the growing threat of antimalarial drug resistance, diagnostics need further capabilities to achieve elimination. To help meet this need, Deshmukh is developing a microscale magnetic levitation technique to quantitatively analyze physical changes in malaria-infected cells. She is designing this to be an inexpensive, portable, and easy-to-use device. Deshmukh aims to test this device in Tororo and Busia in eastern Uganda with clinical samples in resource-limited settings. Her goal is to equip healthcare workers’ changing needs with stronger tools for resource-limited field settings.
Shreya Deshmukh, Department of Bioengineering
Shreya Deshmukh is a PhD candidate in bioengineering at Stanford University. She is working in Dr. Utkan Demirci’s group, pursuing her research interest in designing innovative microscale technologies for global health applications. Deshmukh is currently working on developing a point-of-care malaria detection platform using magnetic levitation, targeted for resource-limited settings to expand access to analytical capabilities in field settings. She is excited about engineering innovative devices for resource-challenged problems, is motivated by the needs of neglected and underserved populations, and working with those communities to help design targeted solutions.
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